To offer a retreat where adults, children, and animals alike can find peace, happiness, and healing.
About Adopting
The Adoption Process
Adopting from Hickory Hill Farm is a simple process. The first step is to complete our adoption application. Once submitted, the adoption application goes to our Adoption Coordinator. The Coordinator will review the application with the Adoption Committee which includes contacting references for a brief phone interview. Someone from our Adoption Committee will then contact you to schedule your site visit. Our site visits are brief and not intended to cause our adopters any inconvenience or stress. A Hickory Hill Farm Volunteer will visit the place where your adopted animal will be staying, complete our Site Visit Checklist, and take a few photos which will go along with your application for review. Our Adoption Committee strives to keep this processing and approval time to approximately seven days. Obviously, this does depend on your location and scheduling constraints. Adoption applicants that are not located in the Greater Nashville area of Middle Tennessee will take longer to process. Once approved, we will schedule you a time to come visit the equine you are interested in on our farm! Please note that no equine will be allowed to leave our facility until we have a signed Adoption Contract in file and the adoption fee has been paid in full.​
The Contract
Our adoption contract is a life-long contract. When you adopt an equine from Hickory Hill Farm, you become a part of our Hickory Hill Family! While our contracts are life-long, we do understand that life changes happen. So, if for any reason during the equine’s life, you can no longer care for or keep the equine, or perhaps the equine would simply be suited better in a different home, there are options. Our contract requires that either:
1. The adopted equine be relinquished back to Hickory Hill Farm, OR
2. The adopted equine may be rehomed by the adopter; however, the new home MUST meet the requirements of Hickory Hill Farm. This means the potential new owner must be willing to sign our adoption contract on the equine and agree to our policies and procedures.
Adoptable Animals