To offer a retreat where adults, children, and animals alike can find peace, happiness, and healing.
Get Involved
Hickory Hill Farm would not exist without our fabulous volunteers. We like to think that we have the best team of volunteers out there! You do not have to have experience to be a wonderful asset. If you are interested in getting involved, please click the link below to submit an application. Join our team; we would love to have you!
Report Cruelty, Abuse, or Neglect
If you suspect neglect or abuse of any horse or other livestock animal, the first step is to report it to the Dept. of Agriculture.
Donate From Our Wishlist
If you are unable to volunteer, donating items from our Wishlist is another fantastic way to get involved! Just one item can make a huge impact on a horse's life. Most of the items we need can easily be found and purchased on Amazon. Some of our more unique items can be found in the "Other Necessities" link below.
Shop With AmazonSmile
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you! When you shop with AmazonSmile, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Login to smile.amazon.com and select Hickory Hill Farm as your charity!
Make A Donation
NO person is paid at Hickory Hill Farm. Being 100% volunteer driven, our Board works diligently and could not do it all without our wonderful volunteers and donors!